New Driver

Submitted on December 20, 2012


1) Folder chuvak dump into the folder humans
2) Now go to the maps folder in it, select the folder with the desired map, we find in it the drivers.txt file,
open and replace the content with:
humans \ chuvak \ chuvak.hum
humans \ chuvak \ chuvak2.hum
3) Done.
You can also change the driver to a simple pedestrian by registering one of the links below in the drivers.txt file:
humans \ axyz \ man02.hum
humans \ axyz \ woman01.hum
humans \ axyz \ woman02.hum
humans \ axyz \ woman03.hum
humans \ Other \ man01.hum
humans \ Other \ man02.hum
humans \ Other \ man03.hum
humans \ Other \ man04.hum
humans \ Other \ man05.hum
humans \ other \ woman02.hum
humans \ other \ woman03.hum
humans \ other \ woman04.hum

Credits: вавилон4eg59

Download: chuvak.rar (1.7 MB)